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Jane Roberts Wood


Jane Roberts Wood

Jane Roberts Wood is a Fellow of both the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. She is the author of the bestselling trilogy that began in 1987 with THE TRAIN TO ESTELLINE, and continued with A PLACE CALLED SWEET SHRUB and DANCE A LITTLE LONGER. In 1998, Wood was the recipient of the Texas Institute of Letters Award for Best Short Story. She lives with her husband, Dub, in Dallas.

Jane Roberts Wood

Books by Jane Roberts Wood

by Jane Roberts Wood - Fiction

Thirteen-year-old Trevor Kennedy has endured bullying at school for as long as he can remember. But where Trevor once silently tolerated the jabs and name-calling, now anger surges through him in ways he's powerless to control. Only Crystal, a store clerk dealing with her own loss, sees the deep fissures in the Kennedy family --- in the haunting photographs Trevor brings to be developed.