Jane Hunt
Jane Hunt
One of the world's leading biblical counselors, June Hunt is the founder and CSO (Chief Servant Officer) of Hope for the Heart, an international biblical counseling ministry providing biblical hope and practical help to people in more than 60 countries on 6 continents. After decades of teaching and research, June developed 100 topical Biblical Counseling Keys --- manuals that systematically explore definitions, characteristics, causes, and solutions for issues ranging from Anger and Depression to Marriage and Parenting. These Keys have become the foundation for the ministry's steady expansion, including the 2002 creation of the Hope Biblical Counseling Institute and two popular radio programs: Hope for the Heart and Hope in the Night, June's live two-hour call-in counseling program. The two broadcasts are heard on more than 800 radio outlets around the world. Hope for the Heart is quickly expanding internationally, as June's resources have been published in nearly 30 languages, and are being translated into many more.
Jane Hunt