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James Romm


James Romm

James Romm is an author, reviewer and the James H. Ottaway Jr. Professor of Classics at Bard College in Annandale, NY. He specializes in ancient Greek and Roman history. His reviews and essays have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the London Review of Books, the Daily Beast, and other venues. He has held the Guggenheim Fellowship (1999-2000) and various fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and was Birkelund Fellow at the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Writers and Scholars at the New York Public Library (2010-11). He lives in the Hudson Valley with his wife, artist Tanya Marcuse, and three children.

James Romm

Books by James Romm

by James Romm - History, Nonfiction

DYING EVERY DAY is a portrait of Seneca’s moral struggle in the midst of madness and excess. In his treatises, Seneca preached a rigorous ethical creed, exalting heroes who defied danger to do what was right or embrace a noble death. As Nero’s adviser, Seneca was presented with a more complex set of choices, as the only man capable of summoning the better aspect of Nero’s nature, yet remaining at Nero’s side and colluding in the evil regime he created.