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James McGrath Morris


James McGrath Morris

James McGrath Morris is the author of PULITZER: A Life in Politics, Print, and Power --- which the Wall Street Journal deemed as one of the five best books on American moguls and Booklist placed on its list of the ten best biographies of 2010 --- and THE ROSE MAN OF SING SING: A True Tale of Life, Murder, and Redemption in the Age of Yellow Journalism, a Washington Post Best Book of the Year. He is one of the founders and past presidents of Biographers International Organization (BIO) and makes his home in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

James McGrath Morris

Books by James McGrath Morris

by James McGrath Morris - History, Nonfiction

For decades, Ethel Lois Payne (the “First Lady of the Black Press”) has been hidden in the shadows of history. Now, James McGrath Morris skillfully illuminates this ambitious, influential and groundbreaking woman’s life --- from her childhood growing up in South Chicago to her career as a journalist and network news commentator, reporting on some of the most crucial events in modern American history.