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Günter Grass


Günter Grass

Günter Grass (1927–2015), Germany's most celebrated contemporary writer, attained worldwide renown with the publication of his novel THE TIN DRUM in 1959. A man of remarkable versatility, Grass was a poet, playwright, social critic, graphic artist and novelist. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1999.

Günter Grass

Books by Günter Grass

written by Günter Grass, translated by Breon Mitchell - Essays, Nonfiction

In spite of the trials of old age, and with the end in sight, suddenly everything seems possible again: love letters, soliloquies, scenes of jealousy, swan songs, social satire, and moments of happiness crowd onto the page. Only an aging artist who has once more cheated death can set to work with such wisdom, defiance and wit. A wealth of touching stories is condensed into artful miniatures. In a striking interplay of poetry, lyric prose and drawings, Nobel Prize-winning author Günter Grass creates his final major work of art.