Gregory Sherl
Gregory Sherl
Gregory Sherl is the author of three poetry collections: MONOGAMY SONGS (Future Tense Books, 2013), THE OREGON TRAIL IS THE OREGON TRAIL (Write Bloody Publishing, 2013), which was shortlisted for the 2012 Believer Poetry Award, and HEAVY PETTING (YesYes Books, 2011), as well as the chapbooks LAST NIGHT WAS WORTH TALKING ABOUT (NAP, 2012) and I HAVE TOUCHED YOU (Dark Sky Books, 2011). His fourth collection, Glow, will be published in February of 2014 by Diode Editions; and his debut novel, THE FUTURE FOR CURIOUS PEOPLE (written in participation with Julianna Baggott), will be published by Algonquin Books in the fall of 2014. He is currently working on his second novel.
His poetry has appeared in Columbia Poetry Review, The Rumpus, Gargoyle, Los Angeles Review, Redactions Poery & Poetics, Blue Mesa Review, New Delta Review, The Awl, Eleven Eleven, and, among many others.
He is Editor of The Opening Night Poetry Series, which publishes one full-length poetry collection from a debut poet every year, at Ampersand Books.
He is the co-creator (along with Megan Laurel) of SAD BOY, a webcomic updated every Sunday.
Gregory Sherl