Francine Jay
Francine Jay
Francine Jay is a minimalist. To her, being a minimalist isn’t only about white walls and empty spaces. It’s about eliminating the distractions that keep us from fully appreciating life. She says: "The less stuff we have cluttering our homes (and the less “to-do’s” cluttering our time), the more energy we can devote to the things that are truly important to us." Her goal is to find that elusive point of “just enough,” whereby she owns nothing more than that which meets her needs. She believes that minimalism isn’t about emptiness for the sake of emptiness --- but rather making room to move freely, think clearly, and open ourselves to the beauty and wonder of life. She is the author of THE JOY OF LESS, A MINIMALIST LIVING GUIDE: HOW TO DECLUTTER, ORGANIZE, AND SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE.
Francine Jay
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