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Fareed Zakaria


Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria is the host of CNN’s flagship international affairs show, "Fareed Zakaria GPS," as well as weekly columnist for the Washington Post. He is the author of five New York Times bestsellers, including his last one, AGE OF REVOLUTIONS: Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present. He lives in New York City.

Books by Fareed Zakaria

by Fareed Zakaria - History, Nonfiction, Politics

Populist rage, ideological fracture, economic and technological shocks, war and an international system studded with catastrophic risk. The early decades of the 21st century may be the most revolutionary period in modern history. But it is not the first. Humans have lived, and thrived, through more than one great realignment. What are these revolutions, and how can they help us to understand our fraught world? In AGE OF REVOLUTIONS, Fareed Zakaria masterfully investigates the eras and movements that have shaken norms while shaping the modern world.