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Erin Chack


Erin Chack

Erin Chack was born and raised in New Jersey, where she formed strong opinions about bagels. As a senior writer at BuzzFeed, her posts have received over 250 million views to date. She lives in Astoria, Queens, with plants that are definitely still alive and not dead. THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING is her first book.

Erin Chack

Books by Erin Chack

by Erin Chack - Essays, Memoir, Nonfiction, Young Adult 14+

By turns hysterically funny and heartbreakingly poignant, BuzzFeed senior writer Erin Chack recounts everything from meeting her soulmate at age 14 to her first chemotherapy session at age 19 to what really goes on behind the scenes at a major Internet media company. She authentically captures the agony and the ecstasy of the millennial experience, whether it's her first kiss or her struggles with anxiety. Yet Erin also offers a fresh perspective on universal themes of resilience and love as she writes about surviving cancer --- including learning of her mother's own cancer diagnosis within the same year and her attempts to hide the diagnosis from friends to avoid "un-normaling" everything.