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Emma Walton Hamilton


Emma Walton Hamilton

Emma Walton Hamilton is an award-winning writer, producer and arts educator. Together with her mother, Julie Andrews, she has written over 30 books for children and young adults. Emma is on the faculty of Stony Brook University’s MFA in Creative Writing, where she serves as director of the Children’s Lit Fellows and the Young Artists and Writers Project.

Emma Walton Hamilton

Books by Emma Walton Hamilton

by Julie Andrews with Emma Walton Hamilton - Entertainment, Memoir, Nonfiction, Performing Arts

In HOME, Julie Andrews recounted her difficult childhood and her emergence as an acclaimed singer and performer on the stage. With this second memoir, HOME WORK, Andrews picks up the story with her arrival in Hollywood and her phenomenal rise to fame in her earliest films: Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music. Andrews describes her years in the film industry, from the incredible highs to the challenging lows. Not only does she discuss her work in now-classic films and her collaborations with giants of cinema and television, she also unveils her personal story of adjusting to a new and often daunting world.