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Elan Mastai


Elan Mastai

Elan Mastai was born in Vancouver and lives in Toronto with his wife and children. He writes movies. ALL OUR WRONG TODAYS is his first novel.

Elan Mastai

Books by Elan Mastai

by Elan Mastai - Fiction, Science Fiction

It's 2016, and in Tom Barren's world, technology has solved all of humanity's problems --- there's no war, no poverty, no under-ripe avocadoes. Unfortunately, Tom isn't happy. He's lost the girl of his dreams. And what do you do when you are heartbroken and have a time machine? Something stupid. Finding himself stranded in a terrible alternate reality --- which we immediately recognize as our 2016 --- Tom is desperate to fix his mistake and go home. Right up until the moment he discovers wonderfully unexpected versions of his family, his career, and the woman who may just be the love of his life. Now Tom faces an impossible choice. Go back to his perfect but loveless life. Or stay in our messy reality with a soulmate by his side.