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Edward P. Kohn


Edward P. Kohn

Edward P. Kohn is Assistant Professor of American History and Chair of the American Culture and Literature Department at Bilkent University in Turkey. He earned his Ph.D. from McGill University. The author of HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN and THIS KINDRED PEOPLE, Kohn has been named a top young historian by History News Network.

Edward P. Kohn

Books by Edward P. Kohn

by Edward P. Kohn - History, Nonfiction, Politics

Historian Edward P. Kohn argues that it was Theodore Roosevelt's hometown of New York that made him the progressive president we celebrate today. During his early political career, he took on local Republican factions and Tammany Hall Democrats alike, proving his commitment to reform at all costs. HEIR TO THE EMPIRE CITY reveals that Roosevelt’s true education took place not in the West but on the mean streets of 19th-century New York.