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Drew C. Bowling


Drew C. Bowling

Drew Bowling is a
college student. He was born in September 1985, during a hurricane,
which should have forewarned his parents about how difficult he
would be to raise. He began writing stories in elementary school.
Mostly he wrote mysteries, westerns, and scary tales about
courageous kids who were good at finding trouble.

While in high school, Drew continued to write mysteries (in
chemistry), westerns (in biology), and scary tales (in algebra).
His family encouraged him, and his friends even voted him
“The Next Billy Shakespeare” during a mock award
ceremony at the end of his senior year. Other people told him that
making things up was a waste of time. In response, he started
writing his first novel, THE TOWER OF SHADOWS, during a senior-year
math exam.

His hobbies include snowboarding, defending the literary merits of
dragons at parties, reading anything and everything (his favorite
authors range from Neil Gaiman to James Joyce), and traveling. He
enjoys inventing excuses for missed deadlines and wants a haunted
castle for Christmas. He lives in Maryland.

Drew C. Bowling

Books by Drew C. Bowling