Dr. Jack W. Hayford
Dr. Jack W. Hayford
Dr. Jack W. Hayford is the Founding Pastor of The Church On The Way, located in Van Nuys, California, a suburb of Los Angeles, and has held that position for more than 35 years. Attendance at his church has grown from 18 to more than 12,000. He is also Founder and Chancellor of The King's Seminary. Dr. Hayford is widely recognized for his balance in preaching the Word, avoiding extremes while not diluting or compromising the demands of truth.
Pastor Hayford's heart to bring unity to the Body of Christ has given him an open door to minister in all kinds of settings, including LOVE L.A., a gathering of pastors from Los Angeles united in prayer on behalf of that city; as Master of Ceremonies for over a million Promise Keepers at the Mall in Washington, D.C., in 1997; as a key participant in the nationally broadcast Concert of Prayer held each May on the National Day of Prayer; and as the host of the annual Pastors' Seminar.
He has authored almost three-dozen books and is the General Editor of the Spirit-Filled Life publications produced by Thomas Nelson Publishers. He is a prolific composer of hymns, having written more than 500, along with songs, and choruses, most noted of which is the classic Majesty, written in 1978.
Dr. Hayford was officially confirmed as the fifth president of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel in October 2004, and he will serve a five-year term.A nationally and internationally recognized scholar and teacher, Dr. Hayford draws on a wealth of experience to mentor other leaders and is recognized as a "pastor to pastors." His travels and his ministry at both denominational and interdenominational gatherings have caused him to become widely known as a bridge builder and reconciler within the Church. Founded in 1923, the foursquare movement has a constituency of more than 5 million, with more than 38,000 churches and 49,000 ministers throughout 138 countries.
Dr. Hayford has a thriving and beloved radio and television ministry that reaches millions of people worldwide. This international ministry is broadcast throughout the United States, Canada, and more than 40 countries in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
Dr. Hayford and his wife, Anna, live in Van Nuys, California.
Dr. Jack W. Hayford