Douglas Carlton Abrams
Douglas Carlton Abrams
Douglas Carlton Abrams is a former editor at the University of California Press and HarperSanFrancisco. Abrams writes fact-based fiction that tells an exciting story while at the same time changing the world we live in. His first book, THE LOST DIARY OF DON JUAN, has been published in thirty countries around the world and was recently made into a film.
Doug is also the co-founder of IDEA ARCHITECTS, a book and media development agency that works with visionary scientists, scholars and spiritual leaders to create a wiser, healthier and more just world. Abrams has collaborated with a number of the world’s great scholars, scientists and moral leaders, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, founder of EarthSave International and best-selling author John Robbins, primatologist Frans De Waal and astrophysicist Joel Primack.
Douglas Carlton Abrams
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