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Diana Clarke


Diana Clarke

Purdue MFA (with Roxane Gay as her thesis adviser) and University of Utah PhD candidate, Diana Clarke is a New Zealander who now lives in Salt Lake City. Her work has been published in Glimmer Train, The Rumpus, Black Warrior Review, The Master’s Review and Hobart, among other places. THIN GIRLS is her first novel. She is at work on her second novel, CELEBRITY, which follows a professional ballerina turned exotic dancer turned sex worker, as she rises to fame, attempts to navigate her celebrity, and is subsequently destroyed by the attention.

Diana Clarke

Books by Diana Clarke

by Diana Clarke - Fiction, Women's Fiction

Rose and Lily Winters are twins. Like most young women, they’ve struggled with their bodies and food since childhood, and high school finds them turning to food --- or not --- to battle the waves of insecurity and the yearning for popularity. Within a few years, Rose is about to mark her one-year anniversary in a rehabilitation facility for anorexics. Lily is also struggling. A kindergarten teacher, she dates abusive men, including a student’s married father, in search of the close yet complicated companionship she lost when she became separated from Rose. When Lily joins a cult diet group led by a social media faux feminist, whose eating plan consists of consuming questionable non-caloric foods, Rose senses that Lily needs her help.