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Deborah Spar


Deborah Spar

Debora L. Spar is the president of Barnard College, a women’s undergraduate college affiliated with Columbia University. She received her doctorate in government from Harvard University and was the Spangler Family Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Spar is the author of numerous books, including Ruling the Waves: Cycles of Invention, Chaos, and Wealth from the Compass to the Internet and The Baby Business: How Money, Science, and Politics Drive the Commerce of Conception.

Deborah Spar

Books by Deborah Spar

by Deborah Spar - Sociology, Women's Studies

Debora L. Spar never thought of herself as a feminist. As one of the youngest female professors to be tenured at Harvard Business School and a mother of three, she swore young women could have it all. “We thought we could just glide into the new era of equality, with babies, board seats, and husbands in tow,” she writes. “We were wrong.”