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Craig Borlase


Craig Borlase

Craig has collaborated on many books, edited others and written some of his own. He has edited magazines, written copy for charities, record labels and events. Craig took a few years off when turning thirty to teach high school English, but he missed the space between the words.

He was born in 1972. Childhood was messy in places, but those are other stories for other times. His late teens/early twenties were spent playing alongside Matt Redman as part of the worship team, editing Soul Survivor magazine and eventually becoming a little cynical about things he didn’t really understand.

It was about the time when the Soul Survivor events grew really big that Craig felt the need to write something that exposed what he saw as the problems with the Church. It turned out that he was wrong: THE NAKED CHRISTIAN was all about Craig's own problems --- his narrow view of faith, his weakness, his inconsistency, his arrogance.

That’s when the break happened. He taught English, but could never really stop thinking about the freedom that writing offered. So Craig spent his early thirties working on his own books as well as writing for Tearfund, an international development agency. The experiences dramatically shaped his faith, as did the rites of birth and bereavement as his family grew at one end and shrunk at the other.

He feels as though He spent my teens trying to get a buzz out of faith (or drugs), his twenties waiting around for someone to give him permission to take faith seriously and his thirties stripping away the nonsense and discovering the power of God’s grace and love for himself.

Being the only child of a single parent, the death of Craig's mother was something he had long feared. Yet, like new growth after a bush fire, grief has given way to new life. These days he's more convinced than before of how little he knows, but more excited than ever about the journey that lies ahead.

Craig Borlase

Books by Craig Borlase

by Ray Whipps, Betty Whipps, and Craig Borlase - Biography, Christian

Ray and Betty Whipps both served in Europe during WWII: Ray as an infantryman under General Patton in the trenches of Normandy, Paris and Belgium, and Betty as a field nurse in Cherbourg, France. The two met when Betty tended to Ray after he was injured in a mortar blast. Both strong Christians, the two bonded over their shared faith, and as Betty nursed Ray back to health, they fell in love and vowed to marry after the war. However, soon after Ray returned to his unit, he was captured by German forces and held captive in Stalag VII, Germany’s largest prisoner of war camp. It was there that Ray’s faith was put to the ultimate test as he endured the most horrific weeks of his life --- weeks marked by brutality, malnutrition, back-breaking labor and near-constant death. The only thing that kept him alive was the dream of someday reuniting with Betty.