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Christian Kiefer


Christian Kiefer

Christian Kiefer has a PhD in American literature from the University of California–Davis and directs the low-residency MFA at Ashland University. He is the author of THE INFINITE TIDES; THE ANIMALS; PHANTOMS, which was one of Kirkus Reviews and BBC’s Best Books of 2019; and THE HEART OF IT ALL. He lives with his family in Placer County, California.

Christian Kiefer

Books by Christian Kiefer

by Christian Kiefer - Fiction

Set in a failing small town in central Ohio, THE HEART OF IT ALL asks how one manages, in an America of increasing division, to find a sense of family and community. The novel focuses on the members of three families --- the Baileys, a white family that has put down deep roots in the community; the Marwats, an immigrant family that owns the town’s largest employer; and the Shaws, especially young Anthony, an outsider whose very presence gently shakes the town’s understanding of itself.

by Christian Kiefer - Fiction, Historical Fiction

A Vietnam vet still reeling from war, John Frazier finds himself an unwitting witness to a confrontation, decades in the making, between two steely matriarchs: his aunt, Evelyn Wilson, and her former neighbor, Kimiko Takahashi. John comes to learn that in the onslaught of World War II, the Takahashis had been displaced as once-beloved tenants of the Wilson orchard and sent to an internment camp. One question has always plagued both families: What happened to the Takahashi son, Ray, when he returned from service and found that Placer County was no longer home --- that nowhere was home for a Japanese American? As layers of family secrets unravel, the harrowing truth forces John to examine his own guilt.

by Christian Kiefer - Fiction, Literary Fiction, Suspense, Thriller

Bill Reed manages a wildlife sanctuary in rural Idaho, caring for injured animals that are unable to survive in the wild. Seemingly rid of his troubled past, Bill hopes to marry the local veterinarian and live a quiet life together, the promise of which is threatened when a childhood friend is released from prison. Suddenly forced to confront the secrets of his criminal youth, Bill battles fiercely to preserve the shelter that protects these wounded animals and to keep hidden his turbulent, even dangerous, history.