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Brian M. Wiprud


Brian M. Wiprud

Brian M. Wiprud is regularly published in magazines, periodicals and fly fishing magazines. He lives in New York City, where he is currently at work on a sequel to PIPSQUEAK. His website,, contains a full bio, interviews, events and signings.

Age: Still chews bubble gum
Physical Description: Sinister & Dangerous
Profession: Mystery Author, Outdoor Writer
Latest Accomplishments:
*2002 Lefty Award for Most Humorous Novel
*2002 Barry Award Nominee for Best Paperback Original
Latest Novel Read: ROYAL FLASH, John MacDonald Frazer
Latest Movie LikedA Mighty Wind
Hobby: Exotic travel and fly fishing
Favorite Lines:

"There was a demon that lived in the thin air; they said anyone who challenged him would die. Their controls would seize up, their planes would buffet wildly, and they would disintegrate. The demon lived at Mach 1 on the meter."
  --- Tom Wolfe, The Right Stuff.

Favorite Scotch: Bourbon

Brian M. Wiprud

Books by Brian M. Wiprud