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Bianca Bosker


Bianca Bosker

Bianca Bosker is an award-winning journalist who has written about food, wine, architecture and technology for The New Yorker online, The Atlantic, T: The New York Times Style Magazine, Food & Wine, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian and The New Republic. The former executive tech editor of The Huffington Post, she is the author of the critically acclaimed book ORIGINAL COPIES: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China (University of Hawaii Press, 2013). She lives in New York City.

Bianca Bosker

Books by Bianca Bosker

by Bianca Bosker - Memoir, Nonfiction

Professional journalist and amateur drinker Bianca Bosker didn’t know much about wine --- until she discovered an alternate universe where taste reigns supreme, a world of elite sommeliers who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of flavor. Astounded by their fervor and seemingly superhuman sensory powers, she set out to uncover what drove their obsession, and whether she, too, could become a “cork dork.” Bosker takes the reader inside underground tasting groups, exclusive New York City restaurants, California mass-market wine factories, and even a neuroscientist’s fMRI machine as she attempts to answer the most nagging question of all: What’s the big deal about wine?