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Ashley Shelby


Ashley Shelby

Ashlet Shelby is a former editor at Penguin and a prize-winning writer and journalist. She received her MFA from Columbia University and is the author of RED RIVER RISING: The Anatomy of a Flood and the Survival of an American City, a narrative nonfiction account of the record-breaking flood that, in 1997, devastated Grand Forks, North Dakota. The short story that became the basis for SOUTH POLE STATION is a winner of the Third Coast Fiction Prize. She lives in the Twin Cities with her family.

Ashley Shelby

Books by Ashley Shelby

by Ashley Shelby - Fiction

Unmoored by a recent family tragedy and on the verge of sinking her career, Cooper Gosling accepts her place in the National Science Foundation’s Artists & Writers Program and flees to Antarctica, where she encounters a group of misfits motivated by desires as ambiguous as her own. The only thing the Polies have in common is the conviction that they don’t belong anywhere else. Then a fringe scientist arrives, claiming climate change is a hoax. His presence will rattle this already-imbalanced community, bringing Cooper and the Polies to the center of a global controversy and threatening the ancient ice chip they call home.