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Anne Sebba


Anne Sebba

Anne Sebba is a prize-winning biographer, lecturer and former Reuters foreign correspondent who has written several books, including THAT WOMAN and LES PARISIENNES. A former chair of Britain’s Society of Authors and now on the Council, Anne is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Historical Research. She lives in London.

Anne Sebba

Books by Anne Sebba

by Anne Sebba - Biography, History, Nonfiction

In June 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, a couple with two young sons, were led separately from their prison cells on Death Row and electrocuted moments apart. Both had been convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage for the Soviet Union, despite the fact that the US government was aware that the evidence against Ethel was shaky at best and based on the perjury of her own brother. This book is the first to focus on one half of that couple for more than 30 years, and much new evidence has surfaced since then.