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Amy B. Scher


Amy B. Scher

Amy B. Scher is the bestselling author of HOW TO HEAL YOURSELF FROM DEPRESSION WHEN NO ONE ELSE CAN (2021; Sounds True), THIS IS HOW I SAVE MY LIFE (2021 reprint; Gallery Books), and other books about "human-ing and healing." As an energy therapist, she helps people release emotional baggage to become their happiest, healthiest selves. Amy lives in New York City with her beautiful wife and bad cat. She can be found online at

Amy B. Scher

Books by Amy B. Scher

by Amy B. Scher - Memoir, Nonfiction

By the time Amy B. Scher was 28 years old, she had lived through almost a decade of misdiagnoses, excruciating pain, brain lesions, bone marrow biopsies, blood transfusions and multiple hospital stays to treat her late-stage, chronic Lyme disease. When the best physicians in America labeled her condition incurable and potentially terminal, it was up to Amy to blaze her own path forward. Then, in a stroke of serendipity, she heard about an experimental treatment only available in India --- human embryonic stem cell therapy --- which had as much probability of killing her as it did of curing her. She boarded a plane with no idea of what awaited her: culture shock, radical medical treatment and, most surprising of all, life-affirming love.

by Amy B. Scher - Memoir, Nonfiction, Self-Help

If you or someone you know suffers from any form of depression --- from feeling exhausted or blue to not being able to get out of bed --- help is here. According to Amy B. Scher, depression can be confusing, but it's not as much of a mystery as you might think. Depression happens on a spectrum and can affect anyone. It is the literal depression of self. It's not all in your head. It's not all in your body, either. It happens in the whole self. But just as depression happens in every part of you, so too does healing. Amy B. Scher's bestselling books have been endorsed by prominent physicians and helped thousands of people overcome chronic illness, emotional challenges and more. And in her latest book, she's bringing her tried-and-true methods to one of the greatest challenges of our time.