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Alice Robb


Alice Robb

Alice Robb has written for Vanity Fair, The Washington Post, The Atlantic and The New Republic, among other publications. Her first book, WHY WE DREAM, was recommended by The New Yorker, The New York Times, "Today," VogueTIME and The Guardian, and has been translated into 17 languages.

Alice Robb

Books by Alice Robb

by Alice Robb - Memoir, Nonfiction

Growing up, Alice Robb dreamed of becoming a ballet dancer. But by age 15, she had to face the reality that she would never meet the impossibly high standards of the hyper-competitive ballet world. After she quit, she tried to avoid ballet --- only to realize, years later, that she was still haunted by the lessons she had absorbed in the mirror-lined studios of Lincoln Center, and that they had served her well in the wider world. The traits ballet takes to an extreme --- stoicism, silence, submission --- are valued in girls and women everywhere. Profound, nuanced and passionately researched, DON’T THINK, DEAR is Robb’s excavation of her adolescent years as a dancer and an exploration of how those days informed her life for years to come.