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Summer Reading 2014

Summer is here! At, this means it's time for us to share some great summer book picks with our Summer Reading Feature. While our series of 24-hour contests have ended, we encourage you to take a look at our featured titles for some sizzling summer reading ideas.

- Click here to see the Summer Reading 2014 Contest winners.

The Stories We Tell by Patti Callahan Henry

Eve and Cooper Morrison are Savannah’s power couple. They’re on every artistic board and deeply involved in the community. She owns and operates a letterpress studio specializing in the handmade; he runs a digital magazine featuring all things southern gentlemen. The perfect juxtaposition of the old and the new, Eve and Cooper are the beautiful people. The lucky ones. And they have the wealth and name that comes from being part of an old Georgia family.

But things may not be as good as they seem.

Week of May 18, 2015

Releases for the week of May 18th include WINDIGO ISLAND, William Kent Krueger's 14th mystery featuring private investigator Cork O'Connor, who battles vicious villains, both mythical and modern, to rescue a young girl; THE STORIES WE TELL, a powerful novel from Patti Callahan Henry about the stories we tell and the people we trust; NEVERHOME by Laird Hunt, which tells the harrowing story of Ash Thompson, who left her husband to don the uniform of a Union soldier in the Civil War; and SUPREME CITY, Donald L. Miller’s account of Manhattan’s growth and transformation in the 1920s and the brilliant people behind it.