The Paradox Hotel
The Paradox Hotel
If you combine elements of JURASSIC PARK with time travel, a murder mystery and some classic noir, then you just might begin to scratch the surface of what makes up Rob Hart’s jam-packed and extremely fun new novel, THE PARADOX HOTEL. Our protagonist here is January Cole, and we will soon learn that she has one of the most difficult jobs in the world. She is the head of security for the Paradox Hotel.
Imagine a futuristic Fantasy Island set inside a hotel that is run via a timeport that is able to transport guests to any era or place in time for a hefty fee. Now, imagine what might happen if something were to go wrong with this system or if some of these ultra-wealthy guests were to have ulterior motives when visiting the “times” to which they are traveling? When someone dies, January is suddenly wearing the hat of detective as well and things start to get really interesting.
"This is a novel of suspense, thrills, terrific science fiction, and ideas --- big ideas --- but it also has a sense of humor and a soft heart."
As a huge “Alice in Wonderland” fan, I love the quote that Hart uses at the beginning of the novel to kick off the proceedings: “It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.” There are a lot of important guests descending upon the Paradox as the government has just passed a law to privatize time-travel technology. This means the hotel will be flooded with those wanting to see the place to get ideas from it or even look to take it over themselves. January is extra busy as she is keeping her eyes open while also greeting people like Nik from the Time Enforcement Agency.
The hotel has always tried to abide by the general rules of time travel in that we must not interfere with anything that’s already happened. We’ve all seen enough films and read enough time-travel fiction to understand the dangers this would cause to the fabric of the timestream. But where would the fun be in this book if someone didn’t break the rules a little? Like the mysterious body in Room 526 that, for some reason, only January can see. When other “accidents” start befalling some of the important bidders who have come to the Paradox --- like dinosaurs somehow getting through from their era into the halls of the hotel to devour guests --- January and the security team really have their hands full.
We also learn that January suffers from an ailment known as being “unstuck” --- a complicated and fun issue that I will leave readers to discover for themselves --- which may explain why she is able to see some things that others cannot, such as her dead lover Mena, from time to time. One of my favorite recurring relationships here is between January and Ruby, a mechanical assistant who looks human and is extremely helpful, albeit quite annoying. Some of the best and most hilarious conversations occur between them.
There is so much to unpack and experience in THE PARADOX HOTEL. At one point, January and some members of her team travel back to Nazi Germany to take care of an “issue.” An entire book could have been written just about that adventure. This is a novel of suspense, thrills, terrific science fiction, and ideas --- big ideas --- but it also has a sense of humor and a soft heart.
Reviewed by Ray Palen on March 4, 2022