The mentoring guide that most of us wish we had read a long time ago, much earlier in our careers.
Let’s be honest. Many of today’s up-and-coming, eager professionals are articulate, talented, well educated and technologically savvy, but many of them are also unaware of the nuances to manage their career and may become labeled as obtuse. They simply lack the political perception and professional skills to get ahead --- and stay ahead.
Worse, they feel that unless they start out with an “in” or a family pedigree, the odds are stacked against them and they’ll never reach the C-suite.
Now, executive search expert and former executive Jena Abernathy is showing women and men how to equalize inequality, level the playing field, and get real about getting ahead. She’s helping the scrappy, streetsmart, tenacious workers --- the “junkyard dogs” --- become the pedigreed, poised pros who have the opportunity to maximize their potential and achieve success at the highest level.
In this book, Jena shares her practical, proven real-world techniques to strategize your career, and gain the confidence, know-how and respect to get results, make winning impressions and build long-lasting success.
Packed with true-life anecdotes, lessons learned and case studies, THE INEQUALITY EQUALIZER illustrates how everyday experiences can propel --- or thwart --- the career objectives of young professionals entering business and those mid-career seeking to move ahead and upward. Jena explains why it’s important to:
- Know what you want, claim your goals, and own your work
- Balance your inner junkyard dog with your pedigree skills to work connections and leapfrog up the corporate ladder
- Brand yourself and protect your reputation
- Manage your career; don’t get mired in dead-end roles for more than 18 months, and go for title
- Know when and how to say “no”
- Make the most of opportunities --- and risks; they can mean the difference between advancing to the next level or being stuck in the status quo, and much more.