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Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939


Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939

In SPAIN IN OUR HEARTS, Adam Hochschild brings to life the stories and realities of some of the Americans who flocked to fight for their beliefs in the Spanish Civil War, despite the opposition of the government. The majority joined the Republican government’s troops to fight against fascism either through anarchist or communist organizations, but many of the individuals Hochschild brings to life are people with expertise outside of these organizations. For many, the Spanish Civil War was the defining moment in their young lives; for some, it was the end. 

While many know of Ernest Hemingway’s participation because of his resulting novel, FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS, the majority of foreign participants are unknowns. These are young men rushing off from college who suddenly confront for the first time the horrors and privations of a brutal war, daring journalists, and idealists of both genders who feel compelled to participate in whatever way they can. As ever, individual stories go a long way toward illuminating history, and in Hochschild’s capable hands, dozens of lives are woven together to create a picture of American volunteers’ range of experiences.

"Hochschild’s ability to provide structure to this chaotic timeline is notable... Ultimately, what struck me as most compelling about the book was how the events detailed foreshadow what is to come."

There does seem to be a fair amount of source material from participants, which Hochschild obviously spent significant time uncovering and uniting. Letters, diary entries and memoirs bring the volunteers to life. Readers are introduced to Bob Merriman, who travels with his wife Marion to the Soviet Union for dissertation research only to pull her a short time later into Spain, where he becomes battalion commander and one of the international heroes of the Lincoln Battalion (one of the main American battalions in the International Brigade). Then there’s fearless Lois Orr, recently married at 19, who convinces her new husband to travel to Spain to work for the Republican effort on their honeymoon. And, of course, there are those who are in Spain under the auspices of the American government to keep the outside world informed. These include New York Times reporters stalwart Republican Herbert L. Matthews and rival Franco supporter William P. Carney, not to mention Mr. Hemingway. 

Each story is a testament to the passion and desperation surrounding the war. Particularly fascinating are members of the media’s attempts to get a handle on, and sometimes manipulate, their reportage to support their own views. Hochschild’s ability to provide structure to this chaotic timeline is notable, especially as he brings together sources with different information and perspectives about who was involved, the cause and effects of various actions, and the results as experienced at the time of occurrence. This history becomes even more relevant, as the last living American volunteer has recently died. 

Ultimately, what struck me as most compelling about the book was how the events detailed foreshadow what is to come. As Italy and Germany join forces to prop up the fascist Franco and his troops, and the United Kingdom, France and the United States refuse to ally themselves with the Soviet Union or take a strong stance supporting the Republican government, we can see the same dynamics at play as we know they will have such great influence throughout the Second World War.

SPAIN IN OUR HEARTS details the frustrations of individuals from high levels --- some of whom maintain personal correspondences with First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt --- and low. All are engaged in a common pursuit to make the case that the Spanish Civil War represents more than the struggle contained within its borders. Hochschild’s book makes clear to readers that whatever the attitude at the time, this belief would reveal itself as true.

Reviewed by Rebecca Kilberg on March 30, 2016

Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
by Adam Hochschild

  • Publication Date: March 7, 2017
  • Genres: History, Nonfiction
  • Paperback: 480 pages
  • Publisher: Mariner Books
  • ISBN-10: 0544947231
  • ISBN-13: 9780544947238