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Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul


Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul

How would Jesus manage our time? How would it change the course of our days? Our lives? Our relationships? Bestselling author Bill Hybels, the renowned pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, provides 10 practical steps for uncluttering our souls by letting Jesus take the reins. In a world where adults and young people alike fill their calendar to overflowing, Hybels says there’s a better way --- one that won’t deplete our energy, emotions and spirit. A way that will fill our lives with things that matter, and eradicate those that eat away our time without leaving anything meaningful in their wake. In short, a way to simplify.

It’s no surprise that today’s frantic pace leaves far too many people feeling drained. Hybels suggests we replenish our energy reserves by connecting with God, spending time with loved ones, engaging in recreation, and eradicating toxic behaviors. When we are replenished and filled up, we can live soulfully, creatively and lovingly, and offer the best of who we are in every situation. On the other hand, when we are exhausted and overwhelmed, we are quick to anger, act irrationally, get depressed or experience resentment. Often, we will blame others for our overscheduled life.

"SIMPLIFY is written in the same conversational tone that Pastor Hybels uses for his popular sermons that draw nearly 20,000 people a week to church. This engaging format, coupled with his practical, life-changing steps, makes this book a must-read."

“News flash: You are the boss of your schedule. It’s your responsibility to keep command of your calendar, and you must, if you are to simplify your life.”

But don’t confuse “simplify” with simple steps. Some of Hybel’s suggestions involve difficult soul searching and tough choices, like making time for family, saying “no” to certain opportunities, despite their merit, and making financial judgments to “live within God’s provision” --- a path that will lead to financial peace. Further challenges include forgiving others, instead of allowing resentment to fill those places in your heart that God designed for love. Hybels also addresses destructive fears that “shatter our internal tranquility.” In SIMPLIFY, he offers advice on conquering fear through understanding its origin and exposing fear’s lies.

Once we’ve taken an honest assessment of our lives, he says we should ask God to provide insight into what’s underneath our propensity for running on empty. What inner hunger are we feeding that should be fed in healthier ways? Are we chasing the wind, or capturing opportunities that will leave a soul-satisfying legacy? Are there relationships that need mending, or simply more of our time? These are just a few of the self-reflective questions necessary for moving toward a simplified life.

SIMPLIFY is written in the same conversational tone that Pastor Hybels uses for his popular sermons that draw nearly 20,000 people a week to church. This engaging format, coupled with his practical, life-changing steps, makes this book a must-read. If you think, like most people, that one book couldn’t possibly impact your overscheduled life, think again. Here, Hybels identifies core issues that we often choose to ignore --- issues that, if addressed in the manner he suggests, have the potential to promote health, a clearer purpose, unprecedented joy, financial security, solid relationships and, above all, a fulfilled relationship with God.  

SIMPLIFY isn’t about purging appointments from your calendar --- it’s about rethinking your priorities and living the life God promised us in John 10:10: ”I have come to give you life, life in all its fullness.

Clear off the calendar to read this book, then share it. It is worth every minute of your precious time.

Reviewed by Susan Miura on August 13, 2014

Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul
by Bill Hybels

  • Publication Date: August 19, 2014
  • Genres: Christian, Nonfiction
  • Hardcover: 320 pages
  • Publisher: Tyndale Momentum
  • ISBN-10: 1414391226
  • ISBN-13: 9781414391229