Seismic Shifts: The Little Changes That Make a Big Difference in Your Life
Seismic Shifts: The Little Changes That Make a Big Difference in Your Life
As a longtime resident of Southern California, Kevin Harney has been fascinated with the relationship between small seismic shifts in the earth's crust and huge eruptions that take place above ground as a result. The obvious theme of his new book, SEISMIC SHIFTS, is change. Small, fairly simple changes can have a big impact, both negative and positive. Yet, there are also underlying themes that serve to make this more than a repeat of sermons and pop psychology shows we've heard before. These themes include the importance of faith, communication, and honest self-appraisal in working toward gaining a rich and joy-filled life.
The easy-to-follow chapters are chock full of practical, Biblical ways to make seismic shifts in your life. These shifts will "bring joy, expand faith, provide rest, build relationships, unleash riches, and change the world." As we have learned, information does not equal transformation, so the author offers many doable suggestions that can be put into practice immediately. There are also excellent guides for prayer and reflection designed to help the reader grow and mature as the changes begin. Ultimately, the reader will reach that place of fulfillment that satisfies "God's dream for our lives."
Without relying on "Christianese," our fellowship language that often confuses and confounds non-believers, Kevin Harney provides examples from life and from the Bible that anyone can relate to. From stories about David's victories and defeats to the joys and sorrows experienced by Mary Magdalene, he demonstrates the Biblical message: "in the good and hard times, those who walk closely with God can and should experience life-transforming joy."
Whether you are a longtime believer, a new Christian or simply interested in ways to improve your life, SEISMIC SHIFTS makes sense and will have a far-reaching impact on those who take the small step of reading through it.
Reviewed by Maggie Harding on September 27, 2005
Seismic Shifts: The Little Changes That Make a Big Difference in Your Life
- Publication Date: September 27, 2005
- Genres: Christian
- Hardcover: 288 pages
- Publisher: Zondervan
- ISBN-10: 0310259452
- ISBN-13: 9780310259459