Pray Big: The Power of Pinpoint Prayer
Pray Big: The Power of Pinpoint Prayer
Author and pastor Will Davis Jr. says that he became a believer in the efficacy of praying after only about 500 times of "coincidences" between events and his prayers. Writes Davis, "After a while, you start to get the feeling that something's up." Now a stalwart believer in prayer, Davis has spent years as an intercessor and learning about what the Bible has to say about the discipline of prayer in general. He cites The Lord's Prayer as the perfect example of what he terms "pinpoint praying." The author states that in this specific model for our prayers, there is "…no fluff, no fat, no extra words or theologically heavy terms."
Davis asks readers to consider what comprises the bulk of their prayers and the most common prototype praying done in churches today. For the majority of believers, praying in church or at home consists of such general and frequently unfocused terms as “bless so and so,” “be with so and so,” “give so and so a special anointing,” and “offer so and so an extra helping of grace.” Davis offers a better and far more biblical alternative to these "fuzzy" prayers. Get specific, he says, and pray according to the model of Jesus's prayer by asking for spiritual walls to be removed, strongholds that need dismantling, captives that need freeing and lost people who need saving.
The author challenges Christians to carefully study Jesus's pattern for praying, noting that Christ prayed for God's glory to be revealed, God's agenda to be fulfilled, God's provision for every need to be supplied, relational health achieved through granting and obtaining forgiveness, and God's protection in times of temptation and when rescue is needed. In sum, Davis says that only two things are required for effective prayer: each must be specific and each must be biblical. Today's believer, with the Bible in hand, has the most powerful and effective tool for experiencing a potent prayer life --- this by way of praying the Bible back to God. Says Davis, "It's the best prayer script ever written."
Also, Davis encourages fellow Christians to pray those "Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal"-type petitions --- the kind that are impossible from the human standpoint, but that God delights in answering. When believers step up and pray according to scriptural principles, believing that God will answer, a number of changes begins to occur. These believing-the-impossible-is-possible prayers will humble you (a good thing in God's estimation), make you dependent upon God, drive you to the Bible, increase your faith and enlist you in kingdom pursuits. All to the good, says Davis.
Christians will appreciate Davis’s practical yet inspirational primer on praying according to the Bible. Each chapter is fresh and written with a lively, hope-driven purposefulness that equip readers to better understand the biblical implications of praying both intentionally and according to the will of God.
Reviewed by Michele Howe on July 1, 2007
Pray Big: The Power of Pinpoint Prayer
- Publication Date: July 1, 2007
- Genres: Christian, Christian Living
- Paperback: 208 pages
- Publisher: Revell
- ISBN-10: 0800732049
- ISBN-13: 9780800732042