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Week of July 10, 2023

Paperback releases for the week of July 10th include Maggie O'Farrell's THE MARRIAGE PORTRAIT, an unforgettable portrait of the captivating young duchess Lucrezia de' Medici as she makes her way in a troubled court in Renaissance Italy; GOING ROGUE, which reveals a new side of Stephanie Plum and shows Janet Evanovich at her scorching, riotous best; THE LAST PARTY by Clare Mackintosh, which our reviewer calls "an immensely satisfying psychological thriller. It possesses not a single major twist but rather an endless series of small revelations that will keep readers guessing right up to the last page."; Rebecca Mead's HOME/LAND, a moving reflection on the complicated nature of home and homeland, and the heartache and adventure of leaving an adopted country in order to return to your native land; and the paperback original WINDFALL, Wendy Corsi Staub's newest supense novel that finds three friends' lives terrifyingly unravel when they win a billion-dollar lottery jackpot --- and one goes missing.