August 2018
MAKE ME EVEN AND I’LL NEVER GAMBLE AGAIN by hedge fund pioneer Jerrold Fine is a coming-of-age novel set in the 1960s and ’70s that has a lot of heart and soul. I love the voice of the book’s protagonist, Rogers Stout. He’s a Midwest guy who finds his way to Wharton and then to Wall Street after an internship in Cincinnati. Along the way, he does not forget his values or his roots as he begins to play the financial game. At the start, he’s playing poker at an invite-only game; he learned poker at Sunday night suppers with his dad, but at this table the stakes are a lot higher. The way he plays and strategizes, he takes on the energy of a poker game in Molly’s Game, albeit in a cool, calculated way. Rogers is in control and ready to run the table, with nerves of steel.
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