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Let God Change Your Life: How to Know and Follow Jesus


Let God Change Your Life: How to Know and Follow Jesus

Pastor, radio host and author Greg Laurie leads one of the largest churches in America, and his message is always based soundly upon God's Word. His newest work, LET GOD CHANGE YOUR LIFE, is a primer that will suit both newcomers to the Christian faith and seasoned Christ followers. His candid style (both in speaking and writing) enables him to swiftly engage and disarm his listeners and readers. With a ready wit, he finds the humor in himself and in situations, and skillfully ties in biblical truths.

In this new resource, Laurie focuses on three key principles for following Christ, as taught in the Bible. He presents his work in three parts, where he first explains how men and women can know God through salvation, studying Jesus and the Bible. At the outset, he shares his own conversion experience as a teen and how he used to wish a Christian would stop him and tell him how to become a believer. Growing up in a home with an alcoholic mother who was married and divorced seven times, Laurie explains how much he hated what drinking and partying did to people, yet found himself living the same life.

Later, Laurie experimented with drugs to become more aware and recounts that it worked: "I became more aware of how miserable I felt." Yet God used a pretty Christian girl to get his attention, and he accepted Christ at age 17. Soon after, he began telling others about Christ and recalls how those early events changed him forever, as he felt the Holy Spirit empowered him to talk about what Jesus did for him.

Laurie then details the whole principle of discipleship. He asks readers (and then supplies the needed information) if they know for sure if they are disciples. He describes what a disciple looks like; how disciples should count the cost of their commitment to Christ; and how the Bible, prayer and the church all fit into a disciple's life before closing with a call to disciple others.

Rounding out this text is Laurie's challenge to make Him known, where he shares all the pertinent information and principles for evangelizing. His "formula" isn't a dry, lifeless one; rather, he explains how believers can impact those they love by telling their own stories with passion and purpose. Laurie expounds upon the principles "needed to know" for reaching today's youth and how to live life in such a way that attracts people to Christ rather than repels them.

With frankness and honesty, Laurie speaks the truth about knowing God and following Jesus in a winsome, upbeat manner. He consistently moves into a topic with gusto and stays at the same tempo until he has gotten his point across. Laurie's work is never dull, and his ability to cut through empty rhetoric is refreshing.


Reviewed by Michele Howe on November 13, 2011

Let God Change Your Life: How to Know and Follow Jesus
by Greg Laurie

  • Publication Date: June 1, 2011
  • Genres: Christian
  • Paperback: 288 pages
  • Publisher: David C. Cook
  • ISBN-10: 1434702073
  • ISBN-13: 9781434702074