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It's My America Too: A Leading Young Conservative Shares His Views on Politics and Other Matters of Importance


It's My America Too: A Leading Young Conservative Shares His Views on Politics and Other Matters of Importance

Ben Ferguson is the youngest personality to explode onto the
American political scene, and he has much to say. Involved in talk
radio since the age of thirteen in his native state of Tennessee,
Ferguson now hosts a nationally syndicated program. His wit,
knowledge and natural expressive ability arm him with tools for
success. IT'S MY AMIERICA TOO is a generous supply of information
for Ferguson’s target audience: the youth of his generation
and the cynical elders who have lost faith in the government that
serves them. He reminds readers that elected officials can be
removed by a vote when actions do not follow expectations.

The 22-year-old is a product of a childhood that has prepared him
well for a public life. He fell in love with radio at an early age
and has become more impassioned ever since. But he credits his
parents with implanting a high moral code and value system in him.
Home-schooled, he credits his mother as his teacher and spiritual
guide in his formative years.

Early on, he questioned adults about moral, ethical and political
subjects. Celebrities like Rush Limbaugh and Ken Hamblin inspired
him in his quest for his own talk show. He offers no excuses for
his conservative beliefs in all phases of life, from celibacy to
work ethic, from leadership to foreign policy decisions. He wants
to educate his generation to make informed personal and political
choices. He strongly defends lowering the voting age to sixteen;
his argument leans on the fact that younger teens reside with
parents who can influence them with active discussion, while older
youths become more interested in preparations for the adult
workaday world.

IT'S MY AMERICA TOO is broken down into major sections. "Son of the
South" explains who Ferguson is, what shaped him, and why he is a
passionate American patriot. Dubbed an odd duck by public
standards, his personal triumphs result from a strong family ethic
that values each person within. Careful to remind their son that
public radio success can make one egotistical, Ferguson’s
parents grounded his ego with humility and thankfulness for his
gifts. Tennis inspires him perhaps only second to radio.

Part II, "Telling It Like It Is," discusses gun control, God in our
lives, affirmative action, obesity in America, older Americans, and
lack of patriotism. He surmises that people, not guns, kill.
Affirmative action is an overused concept. Fat Americans use food
to satisfy emotional appetites. Elders are shoved under the rug and
given scant lip service in politics. God's force should be
fundamental, not an annoyance. Americans exhibit attitudes that
fuel anti-Americanism.

"A Political Virgin" is Ferguson's section for his generation. He
advocates celibacy before marriage, lowering the voting age,
community and national service, NASCAR as a national passion, and
teaching children better by heeding to lessons learned from the
generations previous.

"Heroes and Anti-Heroes" is an excellent few chapters on the type
of leadership that living in today's difficult world demands.
Ferguson admires Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld,
and fragments of Newt Gingrich's career. He decries Bill Clinton
but admires him as a consummate politician who knows how to reach
voters on a personal level.

In all, Ferguson's book is entertaining. His optimistic outlook is
tempered with warnings to his generation to become more politically
active and, above all, to love America with unflinching loyalty.
IT'S MY AMERICA TOO is a refreshing read in a heavy political

Reviewed by Judy Gigstad on January 22, 2011

It's My America Too: A Leading Young Conservative Shares His Views on Politics and Other Matters of Importance
by Ben Ferguson

  • Publication Date: August 17, 2004
  • Genres: Nonfiction
  • Hardcover: 240 pages
  • Publisher: William Morrow
  • ISBN-10: 0060590114
  • ISBN-13: 9780060590116