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If Something Happens to Me


If Something Happens to Me

Ryan and Alison, a high school couple in a small Kansas town, are parked on Lover’s Lane, feeling sort of silly and a bit nervous. It seems like a cliché, having a tryst out there, but they love each other and college is fast approaching. Unfortunately, life will take them in different directions. Suddenly, one of the car doors flies open. A pair of hands grabs Ryan and flings him to the ground, knocking him unconscious. When he comes to, Alison and the car have disappeared.

For the past five years, there has been no sign of Alison, and no real clues as to what happened. But suspicion has clung stubbornly to Ryan despite his vehement denials. Finally, he couldn’t take any more whispers, dirty looks or nasty rumors. So he changed his name, went off to law school, and is now in Italy on a summer trip with several classmates.

"IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME is a lightning-fast ride on a rollercoaster with young, genuine characters who will make you care deeply for them."

Ryan has claimed all along that a man missing his pinky fingers was the one who threw him out of Alison’s car that night. Aside from that, he remembers nothing unremarkable about him. Ryan’s description to the police sketch artist makes the guy sound like your average Joe from the street. So his story strikes everyone as so absurd as to be unbelievable.

Up until now. Amazingly, while in Italy, Ryan has caught a glimpse of the man missing his pinky fingers. Wait, this guy followed him to Italy? After five years? But why? Fortunately, upon hearing the whole fantastic story, Ryan’s friends believe him immediately and jump right in to help, showing no trace of skepticism. And then, when he receives some stunning news from back home, they all double down in their efforts. After what they’ve learned, who could doubt him now?

Pinky Man, as he’s come to be known among the college students, has left a note for Ryan saying that he would like to meet him. Ryan wants answers, but the meeting doesn’t go as planned, leaving him hanging once again. However, it does lead to a few thin clues he can follow. They take him down a dangerous road, but he couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t pursue even the slimmest lead presented to him. Maybe he’ll find a miracle. Maybe he’ll even find Alison. Or maybe he’ll find the end of the rainbow and the pot of gold. Ryan does find the end of the rainbow, but it’s not quite what he envisioned.

IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME is a lightning-fast ride on a rollercoaster with young, genuine characters who will make you care deeply for them. Feeling compassion for the victim comes easy --- or should I say victims. There isn’t just one, depending on how you look at it. Emotions run high throughout the story, leading these people to make rash decisions without using their best judgment. Consequences follow, as they always do. There’s a reaction for every action. But what would you have done in their shoes? I would recommend Alex Finlay’s thriller to all my friends without hesitation.

Reviewed by Kate Ayers on June 8, 2024

If Something Happens to Me
by Alex Finlay

  • Publication Date: May 28, 2024
  • Genres: Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller
  • Hardcover: 336 pages
  • Publisher: Minotaur Books
  • ISBN-10: 1250863791
  • ISBN-13: 9781250863799