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How People Change

About the Book

How People Change

Why do so many Christians remain ineffective, unproductive and unchanged by the power of the gospel and the promises of God for their lives? And, why don’t the commands and principles of Scripture seem to work in the real world? In their new book, HOW PEOPLE CHANGE (Punch Press, May 2006), authors Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp strike a chord in the hearts of those who sometimes doubt that the grace of Christ is really powerful enough to produce good, lasting fruit in such a troubled and troubling world.

A changed heart is the bright promise of the gospel. Yet, there are many people who know the Lord but whose lives fail to produce the expected fruit of faith. Their lives are not characterized by peaceful, loving relationships, a sweet, natural, day-by-day worship of the Lord, a wholesome and balanced relationship to material things and ongoing spiritual growth. Instead, these believers leave a trail of broken relationships, a knowledgeable but impersonal walk with God, a struggle with material things and a definite lack of personal growth.

In HOW PEOPLE CHANGE, Timothy and Paul show readers what’s wrong with this picture --- and how they can revolutionize it. While explaining the biblical pattern for change in a clear, practical way, the authors give the answers to some of our most plaguing questions:

  • What resources do we really have in Christ to deal with our heart struggles?
  • What power does Christ give us as we battle subtle yet powerful idols?
  • Why is the Cross the only place of hope if our greatest problems are within us?
  • What difference does the gospel make in the here and now?
  • How does the gospel help us respond to difficulties while at the same time giving us meaning, purpose and identity?

Rather than a simplistic explanation of the Christian life, HOW PEOPLE CHANGE is a celebration of the Lord and his daily provision of grace. The authors tenderly invite readers to rejoice in a grace that not only forgives, but also truly and forever changes us from the deepest, darkest corners of our hearts to the smallest action and every idle word.


© Copyright 2011 by Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp. Reprinted with permission by Punch Press. All rights reserved.

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How People Change
by Timothy S. Lane, M. Div., D. Min.

  • Publication Date: May 30, 2006
  • Genres: Christian, Christian Living
  • Paperback: 255 pages
  • Publisher: New Growth Press
  • ISBN-10: 0977080722
  • ISBN-13: 9780977080724