Get Your Hopes Up!: Expect Something Good to Happen to You Every Day
Get Your Hopes Up!: Expect Something Good to Happen to You Every Day
Admirers of Joyce Meyer, beloved by audiences throughout the U.S. for her no-nonsense approach to life and faith, will give thanks for yet another “get over yourself and your problems” book on overcoming life’s woes. Always transparent with her own struggles and personality foibles, Meyer doesn’t disappoint in her latest work, GET YOUR HOPES UP! Longtime fans and newbies to Meyer’s witticism will receive this text with open arms and regain a more hopeful perspective about life in general.
Meyer opens her book with this quote from the book of Psalms: “And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect? My hope and expectation are in You.” Psalm 39:7. In a nutshell, this verse sums up her thoughts on expectations and hope. Rather than place one’s hope in people, places or things, Meyer reminds Christ followers that hope should be found in God alone (and expectations as well). She then spends the next 17 chapters proving her point.
"Readers will find something useful in every chapter for changing up their lives to make the most of every situation good or bad."
Readers will find themselves rethinking (how they think) about hope in general and why they entertain certain expectations in life. Meyer skillfully guides Christians back to Scripture time and again to remind them what God has to say on the subject of hope. Yes, hope is essential for life. Yes, expectations about life and hope must come from God. Meyer asks readers to re-evaluate their thoughts and assumptions about what they long for most in this world. She shares that it’s important to raise one’s level of expectation; identify and eliminate every “can’t” from their thinking; look up when in pain; count blessings instead of problems; keep moving even when in the throes of discouragement and setback; look for the good in everything; purposefully live as the answer to someone’s prayer; stop putting off to tomorrow today’s action plan; understand that the choice is always ours; and, finally, how to allow hope to overflow.
One of the most helpful sections of this handy text is Meyer’s take on looking for the good in everything. She offers these solid suggestions to those who are struggling with hurt and disappointment: take a closer look and locate something positive; assume something good rather than bad; see people as God sees them; and have an “I hope” mentality rather than an “I hate” mentality. At the close of each chapter, Meyer includes a brief “Get Your Hopes Up!” section to sum up the preceding information and spur readers to make some needed changes in their thinking and in their choices.
Everyone gets discouraged. We all feel hopeless at times. Meyer understands this human tendency and has worked hard to offset this negative response mode with a book focusing on the positive possibilities of living life overflowing with hope and potential. Readers will find something useful in every chapter for changing up their lives to make the most of every situation good or bad.
Reviewed by Michele Howe on June 18, 2015
Get Your Hopes Up!: Expect Something Good to Happen to You Every Day
- Publication Date: April 12, 2016
- Genres: Christian, Inspirational, Nonfiction
- Paperback: 208 pages
- Publisher: FaithWords
- ISBN-10: 1455517321
- ISBN-13: 9781455517329