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Don't Forget Me


Don't Forget Me

Rea Frey delights suspense lovers with her latest killer story featuring characters who seem to morph from sympathetic to suspicious without warning. You will quickly learn that no one is who they seem to be in this unputdownable thriller.

Cottage Grove, an idyllic community about an hour outside of Nashville, Tennessee, was supposed to usher in a fresh start for Ruby, Tom and their daughter, Lily. Their upscale neighborhood is built around a lake and caters to financially well-off residents. However, so far the move hasn’t worked out the way that Ruby thought it would.

"Rea Frey delights suspense lovers with her latest killer story featuring characters who seem to morph from sympathetic to suspicious without warning. You will quickly learn that no one is who they seem to be in this unputdownable thriller."

Ruby retired from her beloved career as a nurse in Nashville. Now, trying to enjoy her abundant free time in Cottage Grove, she struggles to make friends. To her credit, she did join next-door neighbor Daisy’s murder club, the Murderlings. As the name suggests, they choose a cold case at each meeting and then spend the evening attempting to solve it. Unfortunately, Ruby got off on the wrong foot with Daisy immediately. Tom is normally the one in their family who makes the social connections, but their marriage has been falling apart, and he walked out a short while back. In a horrible turn of events, Lily also vanished, leaving Ruby alone in a big new house that she never wanted.

Understandably distressed, Ruby spirals into deep uncertainty and growing confusion, and she simply has no idea what to do. In an effort to make the best out of a bad situation, she decides to go about her normal routine as much as possible. But she vows to keep her main focus on searching for Lily. Early one morning, starting the day as usual with a row on the lake, she makes a horrific discovery. Hoping to find a little peace, instead she finds a body floating on the otherwise placid surface. What follows is even more puzzling. Rumor has it that the corpse is that of Tom. And to her utter horror, everyone is looking at Ruby as the killer. Oddly, though, she doesn’t recognize her husband as the dead guy.

Even with all of Cottage Grove suspecting Ruby, she desperately needs their help, because the police have shot her straight to the top of their list. And while the Murderlings may not totally trust her, at least they have agreed to look over the clues. After all, that’s the whole point of their club. And fortunately, Daisy has warmed up to Ruby; in fact, she has become one of her closest friends. None of that matters, though, with the cops hot on her tail. She must prove that the dead man isn’t Tom or figure out who, other than herself, had a motive to kill her husband.

From one chapter to the next, readers will waver as to Ruby’s guilt, her sanity and the truth about her past --- in no small part because she wonders the same things. And because readers learn that Ruby may be lying to herself. She may come to realize that she needed the change of scenery more than she’s willing to admit. Ruby, Tom and Lily --- among a host of others in Cottage Grove --- have secrets stacked upon secrets stacked upon secrets. And some of them are deadly.

Finally, then, who’s the killer? It may take your own murder club to figure it out, since whodunit is the last person you’d ever suspect.

Reviewed by Kate Ayers on March 29, 2024

Don't Forget Me
by Rea Frey