About the Book
About the Book
Defending Traditional Marriage It Starts with You

Why does traditional marriage need to be defended?
Traditional marriage is a permanent and sexually exclusive relationship of extraordinary care between one man and one woman.
But marriage, as defined this way, has been under attack for more than seventy five years, and if you're married-or planning to be --- that's not good news. In fact, those attacking traditional marriage have been winning. Why? And what can be done about it?
Willard F. Harley, Jr., nationally acclaimed clinical psychologist and best-selling author, believes you can not only protect your own family from falling prey to these legal and cultural attacks but also help reverse the trend that characterizes today's marriage-unfriendly culture.
Historically, traditional marriage has provided two primary advantages over any other relationships: safety and stability. If either of these advantages is undermined, the success of an entire society is threatened. With heated sanctity-of-marriage debates swirling around us, whose responsibility is it to defend what's left of traditional marriage?
According to Dr. Harley, "It starts with you."