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Come Along: The Journey into a More Intimate Faith


Come Along: The Journey into a More Intimate Faith

Jane Rubietta, author of COME CLOSER, has now written a lovely inspirational text that weaves together various aspects of falling in love with Jesus. She invites readers to leave behind the rush and bustle of everyday life and join her in discovering fresh and illuminating encounters with Christ. In her 10 encounters with Jesus, she spells out simple ways to meet with Jesus via relationship, transparency, needs, persistence, healing, gratitude, growth, hope, a clean heart, and becoming oneself.

Rubietta explains from the outset of the text that she realized something was out of sync. Formerly, she described her relationship with Jesus as characterized by a tender closeness and felt "bouncy and bright." Then came work. And more work. And family stuff. She admits to shortchanging herself on sleep, fretting more, and a grumpiness replaced the smiles. Life happened and a birthday celebration loomed large in front of her. She says she got on her knees before God and asked Him to come alongside her, minute by minute, for she realized she could not live this life without His presence. Thus, COME ALONG was birthed.

Rubietta gives and gives and gives some more, through ideas, suggestions and novel ways to encounter Christ throughout the day. In each chapter, readers will be given ample opportunities to get intimate with Jesus as Rubietta details as simple as 1-2-3 steps to knowing Christ better. Believers will be transferred from dark to light through God's Word; transfixed on Christ as they wait peacefully upon Him; able to translate the meaning of lessons into real life; transformed by being renewed in the mind; given transparency through praying directly to Jesus; and transpired into action in practical ways.

Women will especially resonate with Rubietta's exceptional chapter “Illuminations on Becoming Yourself,” in which she invites readers to experience (and unveil) a glowing inner radiance that expresses itself both inwardly and outwardly, as they understand the great love God has for each of them. Writes Rubietta, "True radiance requires a reflective quality, and the women I know who glow are not shallow crowd followers but insightful, deep, reflective people." She continues to explain that women who "glow" have learned how to sort through all that comes at them, the good and the bad. Then, "They choose to respond positively to potentially negative events by moving straight back to God." Important stuff.

Rubietta's tone is lively, comforting and challenging all at once. Her strong fan base will be delighted with this new collection of stories and inspirational reflections on living close to Jesus and His heart. At the book's close, she also includes a helpful group discussion guide that will prepare and equip novice and expert discussion leaders with fruitful conversations on every topic presented here.

Reviewed by Michele Howe on December 16, 2008

Come Along: The Journey into a More Intimate Faith
by Jane Rubietta

  • Publication Date: December 16, 2008
  • Genres: Christian, Christian Living
  • Paperback: 216 pages
  • Publisher: WaterBrook Press
  • ISBN-10: 1400073529
  • ISBN-13: 9781400073528