Paperback releases for the week of March 3rd include DARLING GIRLS by Sally Hepworth, a thrilling page-turner of sisterhood, secrets, love and murder; THE FURY, a masterfully paced thriller from Alex Michaelides about a reclusive ex-movie star and her famous friends whose spontaneous trip to a private Greek island is upended by a homicide; Helen Simonson's THE HAZELBOURNE LADIES MOTORCYCLE AND FLYING CLUB, a timeless comedy of manners about a generation of young women facing the seismic changes brought on by war and dreaming of the boundless possibilities of their future; 3 SHADES OF BLUE by James Kaplan, the story of three towering artists --- Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Bill Evans --- and how they came together to create the most iconic jazz album of all time; and Cory Leadbeater's THE UPTOWN LOCAL, a brilliant debut memoir about a young writer --- struggling with depression, family issues and addiction --- and his life-changing decade working for Joan Didion.
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