Today's Featured Title and Contest |
December 12, 2011 |
This Bookreporter.com Special Newsletter spotlights a book to consider as a holiday gift selection. Read more about it and enter our Holiday Cheer Daily Contest to win a copy of the book. Please note that each contest is only open for 24 hours, so you will need to act quickly!
Today's Featured Book and Contest: JUST MY TYPE: A Book About Fonts, by Simon Garfield |
Fonts surround us every day, on street signs and buildings, on movie posters and books, and on just about every product we buy. But where do fonts come from, and why do we need so many? Who is responsible for the staid practicality of Times New Roman, the cool anonymity of Arial, or the irritating levity of Comic Sans (and the movement to ban it)?
Typefaces are now 560 years old, but we barely knew their names until about 20 years ago when the pull-down font menus on our first computers made us all the gods of type. Beginning in the early days of Gutenberg and ending with the most adventurous digital fonts, Simon Garfield explores the rich history and subtle powers of type. He goes on to investigate a range of modern mysteries, including how Helvetica took over the world, what inspires the seeming ubiquitous use of Trajan on bad movie posters, and exactly why the all-type cover of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus was so effective. It also examines why the "T" in the Beatles logo is longer than the other letters and how Gotham helped Barack Obama into the White House.
A must-have book for the design conscious, JUST MY TYPE's cheeky irreverence will also charm everyone who loved EATS, SHOOTS & LEAVES and SCHOTT'S ORIGINAL MISCELLANY.
-Click here to read more about the book.
Click here to enter the contest by noon ET on Tuesday, December 13th. |
This is a special daily newsletter for our Holiday Cheer Daily Contest, which will mail Monday through Wednesday until December 14th. This newsletter is separate from our weekly Bookreporter.com newsletter, which mails every Friday. You can subscribe to that newsletter here.
Happy reading! Don't forget to visit our other websites from TheBookReportNetwork.com: ReadingGroupGuides.com, GraphicNovelReporter.com, FaithfulReader.com, Teenreads.com, Kidsreads.com and AuthorsOnTheWeb.com.
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