Books to Fall in Love With 2018
Valentine's Day (Books To Fall in Love With)
Books to Fall in Love With 2018

Congratulations to the five winners of our Valentine's Day contest! These readers received a copy of each of our seven featured books and some delicious chocolate. Those who entered had the option of responding to the question “Who is your all-time literary crush?” which many of you answered, much to our delight. We had so much fun compiling your top 10 “Literary Loves and Lusts,” which you can see below. Many thanks to all who participated!
This year's featured Valentine’s Day titles were:
DRIFTWOOD COVE by Debbie Mason
THE KISS: Intimacies from Writers, edited by Brian Turner
LOVE PARISIENNE: The French Woman's Guide to Love and Passion, written by Florence Besson, Eva Amor and Claire Steinlen, illustrations by Sophie Griotto
LOVE THAT LASTS: How We Discovered God’s Better Way for Love, Dating, Marriage, and Sex, by Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke
OUR BEST LIFE TOGETHER: A Daily Devotional for Couples, by Joel and Victoria Osteen
SURPRISE ME by Sophie Kinsella
TRUE TO YOU: A Bradford Sisters Romance, by Becky Wade
Amber from Vancouver, WA
Joy from Jeremiah, KY
Laura from Grants Pass, OR
Lindsey from Tempe, AZ
Sandra Christine from El Paso, TX
The Top 10 Literary Loves and Lusts
1. Rhett Butler from GONE WITH THE WIND
2. Heathcliff from WUTHERING HEIGHTS
3. Jamie Fraser from the Outlander series
4. Jack Reacher from the Jack Reacher series
6. Noah Calhoun from THE NOTEBOOK
7. Ranger from the Stephanie Plum series
8. Will Traynor from ME BEFORE YOU
9. Atticus Finch from TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD
10. Sherlock Holmes from the Sherlock Holmes series