Week of October 3, 2016
New in Paperback
Week of October 3, 2016

Paperback releases for the week of October 3rd include FAR FROM TRUE, the second spine-chilling thriller in Linwood Barclay's Promise Falls trilogy (the final installment of the series, THE TWENTY-THREE, will be available on November 1st); LAFAYETTE IN THE SOMEWHAT UNITED STATES by Sarah Vowell, an insightful and unconventional account of George Washington’s trusted officer and friend, that swashbuckling teenage French aristocrat, the Marquis de Lafayette; TWAIN & STANLEY ENTER PARADISE, a luminous work of fiction from Oscar Hijuelos inspired by the real-life, 37-year friendship between famed writer and humorist Mark Twain and legendary explorer Sir Henry Morton Stanley; and THE MISSING KENNEDY by Elizabeth Koehler-Pentacoff, the only full-length, first-person account of John F. Kennedy's sister, Rosemary, after her lobotomy (its paperback publication has been timed perfectly for October, which is National Disability Employment Awareness Month).