Week of January 25, 2016
New in Paperback
Week of January 25, 2016

Paperback releases for the week of January 25th include GOD HELP THE CHILD, the first book by Toni Morrison to be set in our current moment, a tale about the way the sufferings of childhood can shape --- and misshape --- the life of the adult; SPEAKING IN BONES by Kathy Reichs, in which forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan finds herself drawn into a world of dark secrets and dangerous beliefs, where good and evil blur; DEVOTED IN DEATH, the 41st installment in J. D. Robb's In Death series, in which Lieutenant Eve Dallas tracks a young couple whose heated passion for each other is fueled by cold brutality; and HUCK FINN’S AMERICA, award-winning biographer Andrew Levy's investigation into Mark Twain’s writing of HUCKLEBERRY FINN, which turns on its head everything we thought we knew about America’s favorite icon of childhood.