Week of January 17, 2022
New in Paperback
Week of January 17, 2022

Paperback releases for the week of January 17th include THE BLACK CHURCH by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., a powerful new history of the Black church as a foundation of Black life and a driving force in the larger freedom struggle in America; LAND, in which Simon Winchester explores the notion of property --- our proprietary relationship with the land --- through human history, how it has shaped us and what it will mean for our future; THE DOCTORS BLACKWELL, a richly researched biography from Janice P. Nimura that celebrates two complicated pioneers --- Elizabeth Blackwell and her younger sister, Emily --- who exploded the limits of possibility for women in medicine; and Mateo Askaripour's BLACK BUCK, a crackling, satirical debut novel about a young man given a shot at stardom as the lone Black salesman at a mysterious, cult-like and wildly successful startup where nothing is as it seems.