Week of December 9, 2019
New in Paperback
Week of December 9, 2019

Paperback releases for the week of December 9th include the second volume of Otto Penzler's Bibliomysteries, a collection of crime for bibliophiles that includes stories about rare books, bookshops, libraries, manuscripts, magical books and collectors --- in short, the wonderful universe that makes this precious object we all love so important and priceless; WHITE HOT GRIEF PARADE by Alexandra Silber, a powerful and luminous story of grief and coming-of-age, and a beautiful tribute to the relationship between a father and daughter; and TRAVELERS IN THE THIRD REICH, Julia Boyd's fascinating and shocking history of the rise of the Nazis, which draws together a multitude of expatriate voices --- even Charles Lindbergh and Samuel Beckett --- into an intriguing narrative charting this extraordinary phenomenon.