Week of December 16, 2019
New in Paperback
Week of December 16, 2019

Paperback releases for the week of December 16th include three paperback originals. In THE KILL CLUB, Wendy Heard's latest psychological thriller, Jazz will stop at nothing to save her brother. Their foster mother, Carol, has always been fanatical, but with Jazz grown up and out of the house, Carol takes a dangerous turn that threatens 13-year-old Joaquin’s life. SNAKES AND LADDERS by Victoria Selman features a serial killer who is terrorizing London, removing a body part from each victim and leaving in its place a single pink rose. Dr. Vernon Sange, a multiple murderer awaiting extradition, seems to know the culprit’s identity --- but he’ll only talk to profiler Ziba MacKenzie, the woman responsible for putting him away. And THE NETWORK is L. C. Shaw's thriller involving corruption, secrets and lies at the very deepest levels of government and media. A shadowy group is manipulating society --- and they’ve only just begun.